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How It Works

We aim to make it quick and easy.

 Get started

Seriously Simple Signup

Upload a photo of your business card

Or just give your email address

Step 1 - Upload a photo of your business card or simply give your email address.

Click the link in your email

Hopefully it won't end up in your spam folder!

Step 2 - Click the link the the email that you'll get, all going well!

That's it! Your new business web page will appear instantly!

Step 3 - You're done! Your new business web page will appear insantly!

Coming soon . . . Leads

Step 1

Pick the jobs you want

We'll send you leads that match your services and area.

Step 2

Get shortlisted

Customers will choose after reviewing profiles and responses to their request.

Step 3

Arrange the job

Once chosen, contact the customer to arrange the job.